“The Ancient Olympic Games” exhibition is opened at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum!


It is a joint presentation of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Trustees of the British Museum, to celebrate the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the equestrian events to be held in Hong Kong.


The opening ceremony was held on 2 August, Saturday, at 3:30pm. Officiating Guests include Mr Tsang Tak-sing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Andrew Burnett, Deputy Director of The British Museum, Mr Michael T H Lee, Steward, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, The Honorary Timothy Tsun-ting Fok, GBS, JP, President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, Mrs Jenny Fung , BBS, Chairman of Hong Kong paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled, Professore Leung Yuen-sang, Chairman of History Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Mr Thomas Chow, JP, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services.  


Mr Tsang Tak-sing and Dr Andrew Burnett each gave a speech, and then all guests participated in lighting a torch symbolic of the Olympic spirit.  Then the guests went in the gallery to view the exhibits, and enjoyed light refreshments in the lobby area.


This is an excellent chance to learn about the Ancient Olympics as the Greeks performed it. Highlight exhibits include the marble sculpture “Discus Thrower”, which is allowed to travel for the first time, a model ancient Olympia at around 100BC, a bronze helmet worn by a warrior, a gold wreath for the winner, and prize medals for sportsmen and women.  An education corner is set up with various activities for visitors to try out. Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, a series of education programme is provided, including guided tours, audio guides, activities for schools, for children and families, and thematic seminars for the public. The first lecture was conducted by Dr Ian Jenkins and Victoria Turner on 3 August Sunday afternoon.


For more details, please click into  “Latest Attractions” and “Special Programmes” under  http://hk.heritage.museum/english/main.asp





Rose Lee