A quick guide on how to publish images on the blog

Images can be tricky, I know placing images takes up most of my time when I blog!

The way to upload an image is to use the Upload/Inset function. When you start a new entry, you click on Add New Post. From this you come to a screen that has “Add New Post” at the top, and just below it is an option of “Upload/Insert” and next to it, is a picture of white box with a grey box inside it. I’ve circled it in the picture below.

 blog screengrab1 copy










If you click on that, you will find a new section of the blog that allows you to upload photos. Click on “Select Files” and then you can locate the image on your computer. Once the photo is uploaded you should be able to drag it around within the post.

If this doesn’t work, or if you have any other problems, just email the text and photo to me and I will upload it for you.

We can have a closer look at the functions of the blog once you get to London, and I think there is even a session on blogging scheduled in your preliminary programme.

Hope this information helps!