Kew Gardens

During the last weekend before everyone went off to their Partnership UK Museums, we all went on a day trip to Kew Gardens, who are celebrating their 250th anniversary this year (

The journey to Kew was an adventure in itself, as we went on a boat – I only wish I had remembered to use some sun block that day. The weather was gorgeous, with the sun shining, and we had the chance to see London from a new perspective. We also went past both Chelsea and Fulham Football Clubs, did anyone get a photo? If so please do post it on this blog!

At the start of the boatride we went past the London Eye, and that was a chance for some great photos – here’s one of Sayan!

Sayan with the London Eye

Sayan with the London Eye


Once at Kew Gardens, we had a very nice lunch and were then split into two groups who toured independently…I of course have no photos from the other group but I love to see them, so please, post them up as well!

Here are some of the highlights of  the tour for the group that I was in.

Gilda at Kew Gardens

Gilda at Kew Gardens

Hayam in a field of lavender

Hayam in a field of lavender

And, it also seems that the day wasn’t just all fun and games, but that we also learnt some thing along the way! I cought some of our curators enjoying themselves learning about plants.
Learning about plants

Learning about plants

