ICTP at Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

Aiman and Nimat from Sudan National Museum came to visit us at National Museum Cardiff where they were introduced to many members of staff and had tours of each of our galleries – Archaeology, Natural History and Art. Not only did they have an in-depth look at the Museum, they also travelled around south-east Wales to visit some of the other museums that form Amgueddfa Cymru. We spent a day at St Fagans: National History Museum where we were introduced to the conservation department, documentation and had a tour around the historical buildings; a day at National Roman Legion Museum where we watched the Military Spectacular – a series of Roman re-enactments in the amphitheatre – before looking at the museum and the remains of the Roman baths; and a day at Big Pit: National Coal Mining Museum where Aiman got to experience what it was like to go underground.

Aimen, Nimat, and a Roman soldier

Aimen, Nimat, and a Roman soldierIn Big Pit

We also spent an afternoon at an excavation site at Llanmaes – a pre-historic and Romano-British settlement. This year we were fortunate that it did not rain! Some of the pictures we took on the day have been used in a Community exhibition at National Museum Cardiff and Aiman has contributed some of his thoughts on his visit to the site. It was interesting to hear about the differences between excavating in Britain and excavating in Sudan.
Llanmaes Excavation

Llanmaes Excavation

In Cardiff, Aiman went to see Cardiff Castle along with Terhi who came to visit us for a couple of days. Thankfully the rain stayed away until we had finished looking around!

Aimen, Terhi and Cardiff Castle

Aimen, Terhi and Cardiff Castle

We all thoroughly enjoyed showing Aiman and Nimat around our Museums and Cardiff and we hope they enjoyed their time here too!


Diolch/Thank you

