Hoshino Yukinobu and Professor Munakata

Professor MunakataOn the 5th November 2009,  a new temporary exhibition opens at the British Museum. The theme is a Japanese art form known as manga, and the exhibition shows the work of one of Japan’s leading manga artists, Hoshino Yukinobu. This exhibition also showcases the British Museum, and the collection here, through the adventures of the main protagonist in the story, an academic and specialist in folk-lore, Professor Munakata (who you can see here on the right).

Hoshino first created Professor Munakata in 1990. Now, every two weeks, millions of readers in Japan eagerly follow the professor’s latest adventures in the manga magazine Big Comic.  In October 2009, Hoshino came to visit the British Museum. While here, in the space of just five days, he created three in drawings showing Professor Munakata’s most recent encounters with treasures from the ancient past. These pictures, all ink on paper, are on display in the exhibition. They include objects from the Museum Collection, such as the helmet from Sutton Hoo and the Rosetta Stone.

British Museum collection objects by Hushino Yukinobu 

Hoshino plans to return next year to create a series of nine episodes based on Professor Munakata’s adventures in the British Museum. They will feature his encounters with more of the British Museums’ most iconic objects as he delves into their mysteries.