Cairo Seminar, March 2010

As you will undoubtedly all be aware by now, preparations are well underway with the organising of the International Training Programme’s 5th Anniversary Seminar in Cairo Egypt, hosted with the generous support of the World Collection Programme and the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt.

Letters have been drafted and sent all aroud the world, and revently good news have been coming in – visas are obtained, flights are booked – it’s all very exciting!

The seminar will be an opportunity for participants to catch up with each other, share experiences, and meet old friends. Representatives from the UK Partner Museums are joining the seminar as well, so this will be a chance for everyone to catch up. Whilst I’m sure most of you will remember the other particpants who came to London at the same time as you, due to the size of the conference, there will be plenty of new faces too. Participants from 2006 all the way through to 2009 will be attending, and as you can see I’ve included group photos of all the particpants from the last four years.

There will be some 80 people from over 15 countries attending – truly an international event! If you run your cursor (that’s the arrowhead that you control with the mouse) over each of the photos, it will show you a list of those who are coming from that group. the photos are in chronological order, with the first one being a group photo from 2006, then 2007, then above this text is the one from 2008, and below, last but not least, is a group photo from 2009.

Cairo is bound to be fantastic! It would be great to hear everyone’s comments while you are there, and afterwards, and any photos that you’d like to share, please do post them!