View from inside ITP10: Amer Khattab

First, I discovered that the British Museum is a Mecca for all archaeologists and museum workers in the world. It is a huge place – difficult to imagine how big it is. At the very least, a person needs two full days to see the whole museum. 

Amer in the BM galleries

The International Training Programme is wonderful: I see new techniques and methods that show us how we can keep and conserve material and artifacts for a long time. I could identify new equipment designed for artefact treatment. Moreover, this programme has boosted my confidence and pushes me to continue my studies in archaeology.

Now at the end of the second week, I am trying to study and enjoy every minute I am in England. In addition, I try to draw benefit from everything I see or hear. I enjoyed all the participants’ presentations, but wonder if it would be better if each presented on his/her traditions, country or culture. Last Monday, all the stuff went to visit Horniman Museum by train – really it was fantastic: we had breakfast and lunch, and the Horniman Museum staff were very kind people and very friendly.  The museum has a small number of galleries, but the musical instrument gallery had artefacts from all over the world. In addition, a table with stereo sound allowed us to listen  to the playing of many musical instruments displayed in the music gallery. On Tuesday we all went on the London Eye, it was fantastic – the scene was breathtaking.

From Kenya, Egypt, China, Nigeria, Palestine ....

Finally, I would like to thank everyone at the British Museum, and those who helped me be able to attend the Programme.

Amer Khattab