The start of week 3: Njeri Gachihi

It is a Monday morning and having traded my rest-day for Windsor Castle on Sunday, I am very tired though it was worth it. I am afraid there is so much to see and it seems time is suddenly flying. The programme is  exciting: we met staff from the UK partner museums today, but  not before the session in Room 3, on the exhibition titled Rulership & Ritual: Maya relief of royal blood-letting. This is one of the objects on the BBC series, A History of the World in 100 Objects. It is amazing how much one can do with one object and I hope to use this approach when back home.

After the session with the partners, I feel like I should go to all these places but this is impractical: Lincoln is going to be perfect and with an assurance of the same from Dawn Heywood, collections officer at The Collection, I can’t wait to enjoy the Lincolnshire countryside and its beautiful nature.

Njeri Gachihi, Kenya