Some thoughts on the Horniman and Ashmolean Museums

First of all, I would like to thank all the people from the British Museum and those who support the programme, as it helps us to understand and approach the cultures of different civilisations.

During my participation, I have gained lots of important information, which will help me in the development of scientific, technical, educational and cultural aspects of my work, and to allow me to identify weaknesses and overcome them.

I particularly noticed that each museum has an aim that distinguishes it from others, although perhaps the British Museum covers many such aims. Alsouseful has been to  gain a wide experience in the continuation of the different activities in the new galleries, and learning activities,  meetings display methods in the galleries and storage solutions like rolling shelves. In addition, the conservation departments and their new techniques used to preserve the objects amazed me.

Qahtan: a quiet moment at the British Library

The Horniman Museum was particularly distinctive given its accent on education, with many of the visitors being children. I particularly like the techniques used to convey information – screens and devices for listening to music, alongside the objects. The Ashmoleam Museum in Oxford was one of the best I’ve ever seen – I may write more in my next post!
