Leaving London

It’s been a wonderful time in London, farewell evening was fun with everyone cooking delicious food accompanied by wine, it was nice being awake until 4 o’clock with everyone sharing pictures and my last minute crash course in Chinese language was, in the end, successful with the patience of Xu Jing.

Next day followed with heavy lifting of luggage for the fellow participants, it was difficult to say goodbye but we departed with a promise of seeing each other again someday soon.

Weather in London had been kind to the 2010 participants, but I wished to see anytime-rain for which London is more famous.  But my wish has come true back home in Delhi where it has been raining past 2 days. I am still feeling sleepy after the travel.

The time spent at BM and National Museum of Wales has been an experience which has come to me at the right time in my career, I thank the Asia department for their support and efforts by Claire, Neal and Shezza (follow me).

Thank you all, and keep writing.
Anjan Dey
