Year 6 of the ITP starts today…

Today sees 16 of the participants in the sixth International Training Programme land in London, with flights from Sao Paulo, Ankara, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Nairobi, Alexandria, Beijing, Kolkatta and Mumbai. Others will arrive later this week, due to delays with the issuing of visas. Our two Afghan participants, Abdullah Hakimzada and Farhad Sediqy have already been in London for weeks, accompanying the exhibition Afghanistan – Crossroads of the Ancient World.

Upon arrival, everyone moves to accommodation in Schafer House, a UCL hall of residence, before getting some rest ahead of the first day in the British Museum, tomorrow. The participants will be posting a diary of their experiences of the International Training Programme.

After months of planning, and email contact, it will be nice to finally start working with everyone!

Neal Spencer

The 2009 participants in the courtyard at Schafer House