ITP11 diary: induction day

The first day was very exciting. I got to know a little more about the history of the British Museum and its various departments and organization. Our hosts talked about the goals of the International Training Programme and I could understand more fully the importance of institutional exchange.

I also had the pleasure of listening to all my fellow participants, and other institutions in the UK, talk about their museums and activities.

First day presentations in the Hartwell Room, British Museum

The presentations demonstrated a wide variety of museums, activities, professional interests and experiences. Through the words of these colleagues I was able to confirm something I have reflected upon for years: when the subject is the museum, we are dealing with history, cultural diversity, identity, memory, sensibility, education and knowledge. For me these things make the Museum a very important institution because it is found all over the world. It is a special place to reflect on ourselves and the world around us.

In the afternoon I fraternised with the friendly members of the Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, with whom I will undoubtedly have deep discussions with during the next six weeks.

Fabíola Andréa Silva, Curator of the Brazilian Ethnographic Collections, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, São Paulo, Brazil.