The Money Gallery project

This morning’s staff breakfast talk was leaded by Curator Catherine Eagleton, Interpretation Officer Anna Bright and Project Manager Jonathan Lubikowski. They discussed a new renovation project of the Money Gallery in the British Museum.

The Money Gallery has existed in the British Museum since 1997. At that time, it was a coins and medals gallery and presented a new way of thinking about how to expand the knowledge, the exchange of money, its history, significance and function and thus to promote the individual and social understanding of economic connections.

HSBC Money Gallery (Room 68), The British Museum

To find out more about the HSBC Money Gallery, please check this link.

As the history of money is constantly growing, the way we want to present the collection has changed. Today, a new 6-year partnership between Citi Bank and the British Museum allows us the opportunity to redisplay the gallery. The changes will include new design; modern cases; new lighting; new themes and bright decoration, as well as assessing the original content of the displays. This renovation allows us to take advantage of new knowledge and new ideas in both museology and monetary history.

Because of this renovation project, the Money Gallery will be closed from December 2011 for approximately 6 months.

Alicja Sliwinska