ITP 2012: Day 25 – Saadu H. Rashid

We had a wonderful week visiting various conservation studios of different objects from organic to inorganic objects, as well as hearing presentations on exhibitions. We also visited museums outside of the British Museum, sometimes in our various groups, learning more about conservation and scientific research of the objects. The week ended with a tour of the amazing prehistoric stone circle of Stonehenge and Salisbury on Saturday.

As 8th July 2012 is a Sunday, we have a free day for all participants to relax and do what they want on their own. Unfortunately, this day proved to be a rainy-sunny day; sunny with unexpected drizzling rain. Schafer House was very quiet in the morning, with most participants only coming out from their rooms in the afternoon.

A quiet Schafer House on Sunday morning

A participant still in bed at noon!

Some spent the day in the bed or busy with laptops, a few were at the laundry room. Despite the rain, however, most went out shopping or touring the London suburbs. For some, the day provided the opportunity to further strengthen friendship through sharing a meal.

Some joyful participants sharing a Sunday dinner

All in all, Sunday is usually a wonderful opportunity to relax the body and mind as we prepare for the next week.


Saadu H. Rashid
