2 July 2012 – The ITP Reception

 On 2nd July Neil MacGregor hosted a reception for the International Training Programme (ITP).  It was a chance for our colleagues attending the ITP to meet with supporters and friends of the Programme and for the British Museum to show their appreciation to the individuals, Trusts and Foundations who so generously sponsor the ITP each year.

Xerxes Mazda and Ren Zhou

Many of the ITP participants enjoyed the opportunity to meet with their sponsors and representatives from their Embassy’s based here in London.  

Joanna Mackle, Gowri Shankar, Andrew Burnett and Ishaq Bello

Before arriving in London, the participants were asked to select an object from the BM collection that could be displayed during this event.

On arrival the participants then had the opportunity to research these objects further and to discuss them with departmental staff.   

Neil MacGregor welcomes our guests

During the evening, the objects formed the focus of informal discussions between the participants and the guests and proved an ideal way to ‘break the ice’.

Antony Gormley and Saadu Hashim Rashid

 This year’s participants really enjoy the Reception. Many spoke in their evaluations about how very interesting and helpful it had been to meet the Programme sponsors face to face and discuss their experiences of the ITP. Others commented that it was a great way to share cultures – with both guest and BM colleagues.