ITP visit to Cairo

Last month Neal Spencer and I travelled to Cairo to interview Egyptian candidates for this summer’s International Training Programme.

The interviews went very well and we had the opportunity, not only to select our participants for 2013, but to see friends and colleagues at the Ministry of State for Antiquities Affairs.

Nevine Nizar (ITP 2012) kindly organised a very instructive tour of the conservation and storage facilities that will form part of the new Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) which is currently under construction. It was lovely to see Nevine, to be introduced to her colleagues and a great privilege to have such access around the new museum.

View from the Grand Egyptian Museum site

View from the Grand Egyptian Museum site

Grand Egyptian Museum building

Grand Egyptian Museum building


We also had the opportunity to see Mostafa Kamal Mousad Gadelmoulaa and Khaled Ahmed Sadek Ali (ITP 2010) at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (NMEC). After two interesting presentations, one on the principles and progress of NMEC and the other on the Museums refurbished storage facilities, we enjoyed a tour of the Museum site.

Many thanks to all those we saw and helped make our week so interesting – and apologises to those we didn’t have the chance to see this time.
