ITP 2013: August 23 – Abiti Adebo Nelson

On this memorable day of 23rd August 2013, we have spent 12 days in London during the ITP program at British Museum. Today is bright sunny and warm.
From Schafer house we walked along the Gower Street to Bloomsbury and then to British Museum to the information desk, we then moved to the Department of AOA office.

Our Departmental program in Anthropological Library Research Centre was supervised by Mr. Jim Hamil, a passionate staff in the data base and archive management for the Africa, Oceania and American Department.


Abiti seeing Register book

Abiti seeing Register book


 I learnt about the process of identifying ethnographic objects from the store through the use of various methods, the register books, object photo, object identity number and making the objects available for researchers in the study room.

We managed to identify the Head dress object which we had seen from Orsman Road.In addition I had the opportunity to see the archive section of the AOA having old note books, catalogue books, register files and we retrieved the information about head dress from Uganda on the Ethnography document in the archive.

After lunch we held a panel workshop in the afternoon by presenters Ian Leins, David and Caroline about the Archaeology in UK. The discussion was about the Law governing Archaeological work and practice of Public Archaeology that raises public awareness and knowledge heritage among population.

David displaying Archaeological specimenal

David displaying Archaeological specimen.

We closed the weeks day with evaluation and I got a great Surprise prize from Ms Claire Messenger. We planned for the weekend project with our team and I wish to thank all the ITP organisers and participants for making my day most memorable. God Bless you all.