ITP 2013 : September 7 – Chole Kiziili

Tea time!

Tea time!

On this date all ITP 2013 participants had yet another opportunity to visit Hampstead Heath. Hampstead Heath is one of the London’s most popular spaces, situated about six kilometres from the centre of London. To me it’s like the lungs of London in terms of fresh air.
It is an island of beautiful countryside, rich in its wildlife, sports, and recreational opportunities and it does promote good health. It is a large park covering 790 acres and contains some of the highest points in London including parliament hill, which has one of the best views of London skyline.

This was one of my favourite views.

This was one of my favourite views.

The park is protected/conserved by the greater London Council. We were then invited at Frances Carey’s home where we had an open air feast. On behalf of the ITP 2013 organizers and participants i wish to thank Frances Carey for the treat, it was a wonderful one.
Thank you.


Here Frances Carey is introducing ITP participants to the park.

Here Frances Carey is introducing ITP participants to the park.