ITP Diary 13th August 2014: Mostafa Dehpahlava

I was in the Department of Coins and Medals for most of Wednesday. I am very interested in Seleucid and Parthian coins because this is one of the special subjects I am teaching at the University of Tehran.


For me the research and study procedures of the Department of Coins and Medals are very interesting – where curators and other researchers are combining original coins along with their rich resources and database. As soon as I request a visit to see a coin or borrow a book they are easy to find.


I consulted Dr. Vesta Curtis, curator at the Department of Medals and Coins, and my professor about doing particular research around the object I have chosen for the presentation/exhibition day on the 1st of September during the ITP.


Later in the day we visited Room 3: the virtual space of our exhibition, which is near the main entrance of the British Museum. Then we discussed various objects and subjects at the Department of Coins and Medals and the planning of my display. For now I will not be able to say which object I selected because it is going to be a surprise on presentation day!


In the evening the ITP group went to the London Eye. The London Eye is an attraction for many tourists from various countries around the world. At first we had to stand in a long queue but it did not take us a long time to reach our ‘pods’. Finally, when we got there, we got a bird’s eye view of London and it was very interesting and exciting for me and my friends. We also took lots of photographs.



Finally, I want to thank the British Museum for giving me the chance to be a part of this year’s International Training Programme.


Mostafa Dehpahlavan,

Director of  Moghadam and Negarestan Museums, Faculty member , Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran, Iran.