ITP Reports 2015 – Part 1: China!

Hello readers!

On the blog we talk a lot about the ITP summer programme. Our ITPers share sessions, day trips, bad weather, new friendships and new experiences, so that you too can “take part” in the programme as it happens.

But what about the weeks after they go home, when our participants have had time to reflect upon their time in the UK? What impact has the ITP had on their outlook, their work and their institutions, and what are their plans for the future?

In this series we’ll be sharing our participants’ reports, to show the different ways in which they are implementing changes big and small, professional and personal, in their home countries.


This week we start with China, where we had a record number of six colleagues taking part in 2015. Two of our participants, Li Lan and Chenchen Hou, spent further time at the British Museum in the Asia and Digital & Publishing departments helping BM colleagues with on-going projects, as part of the DCMS UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange.

Have a look at the reports below!

Huan Zhang, Associate Research Professor, Head of the Guangdong Conservation Centre, Guangdong Museum

Li Lan, Painting and Calligraphy Department Shanghai Museum, Shanghai

Liu Shuzheng, Assistant Research Fellow, Collection Department II, National Museum of China, Beijing

Olivia Zheng Xuan, Assistant Research Fellow, Social Education and Publicity Department, National Museum of China, Beijing

Xuejing Dai, Educator, Shandong Museum

Chenchen Hou, Digital/Web Department, Palace Museum, Beijing