Learning, Engagement and Museums – Day 2 at a Glance

This is the second instalment of our Armenia recaps, for those who couldn’t join us!

On Day 2 of Learning, Engagement and Museums, delegates were split into groups based on individual role profiles and areas of interest, to develop their own learning and engagement projects. Each working group was allocated a target audience and asked to plan a session, programme, resource, event or activity on: Family Learning; Teenage-friendly Engagement; New Audiences; and working with Older Audiences.

Delegates were asked to consider aims and objectives, project scope, budget, timescales, risks and benefits, and how their projects could be supported through partnerships: whether nationally or internationally.

Project Titles included:
“Families against War” – Family Learning.

“The Teen Council of Museums” – Teen Engagement.

“The Colour of Sound” – New Audiences.

“Building Memories” – Older Audiences.

Each project was a wonderful example of how collaboration – whether between different Armenian museums, international colleagues or between audiences of different backgrounds and generations, can create sustainable learning programmes with wide reaching benefits. They also highlighted that projects do not need big budgets or large teams to succeed – that innovation and creativity are key.

We’re currently using each project to create four toolkits for museums who might want to create their own learning and engagement programmes. These will be available soon, along with our final report, online.

After a day of hard work delegates were treated to a tour of the History Museum of Armenia and the Parajanov Museum, with artworks and personal belongings of the renowned film maker and artist Sergei Parajanov.

It was a very productive day, and one we believe will bring sustainable outcomes for all involved!