Worcester Polytechnic Institute strikes again!

As many of you will remember, last year the ITP teamed up with students Amanda, Juan, Miguel and Patrick from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in the USA to work on a legacy project for the network. The group produced incredible work which is and will continue to be a very useful resource over the coming years.

This year students Edward Crofts, Ryan Cudemus-Brunoli, Jessica Hanley  and Sarah McKeage will be joining the ITP network to work on analysis of alumni, research training programmes in the cultural sector and help develop our wordpress page to improve communications.

This project is part of the group’s university studies – working with us from the US before coming to the UK in March to volunteer on the project full time for 7 weeks. As the project develops Edward, Jessica, Ryan and Sarah will contact members of the network for advice and input into the project. Please find out more about the team below…

Edward Crofts is a Mechanical Engineering major. He completed his humanities and arts requirement at WPI in British History. The culmination of his efforts was a 20-page research paper on the relationship between the British mass media and the British government in the early Cold War era. Edward is originally from Kingston, Jamaica and he has an ancestry that links to the UK. He is excited to visit the UK for the first time, and learn more about the place his ancestors came from.

Ryan Cudemus-Brunoli is a Professional Writing major with three minors in: Material Science, Chemical Engineering, and Law & Technology from West Hartford, Connecticut USA. Ryan found out, after three years at an engineering school, that he wanted to pursue a doctorate degree in communications, hence the spread of academics. Outside of academia, Ryan enjoys trying new food, with a penchant for Thai and Indian food, and learning about different cultures and histories. From New England, Ryan is looking forward to experiencing the original England.

Jessica Hanley is a Mechanical Engineering major with a concentration in Mechanical  Design. She is from the suburbs of Massachusetts and is excited to branch out and see all that the big city of London has to offer. Jess loves museums and looks forward to seeing how things are on the other side! Everytime she goes to a museum she will spend hours there, she plans to top that with how long she spends at the British Museum during her visit.

Sarah McKeage is a Chemical Engineering major with a minor business. Her mother went to boarding school in London for 3 years and passed her love of British history and literature on to her daughter. Sarah’s from St. Petersburg, Florida, the Guiness Book of World Records’ holder for Most Consecutive Days of Sunshine, and will be right at home with the London weather. She highly anticipates the diverse cultural experience that the British Museum and London have to offer.

IQP Group

Ryan Cudemus-Brunoli, Sarah McKeage, Jessica Hanley, Edward Crofts

You can read more about WPI here: https://www.wpi.edu/

Look out for regular project updates throughout March and April!