Senior Fellow 2018: application deadline approaching!

Applications for the 2018 Senior Fellow role close on Wednesday 28th February!

The application process is quick and simple, follow the link below for more information.

Senior Fellow Application process 

Previous Senior Fellows said about their experience…

Eileen Musundi (ITP 2008, Senior Fellow 2013, Kenya): ‘Personal requests were granted such as accompanying fellows to particular exhibitions and organising extra sessions that will greatly assist my home institution… the ITP team regarded me as one of their own.’

Jana Al Araj (ITP 2011, Senior Fellow 2014, Palestine): ‘I liked the way it is different from the first time. You learn even more. You don’t think you are seeing the same thing. You see the details.’

Shambwaditya Ghosh (ITP 2012, Senior Fellow 2015, India): ‘It was useful from the very beginning. When I was a fellow, it looked easy because everything at the British Museum was ready for us. Now I know what happens behind the scenes.’

Njeri Gachihi (ITP 2010, Senior Fellow 2016, Kenya): ‘ The opportunity to be the link between participants and the ITP team was a great one giving me a chance to experience both worlds… the ITP team treated me as a teammate always hearing my suggestions.’

Hayk Mkrtchyan (ITP 2014, Senior Fellow 2017, Armenia): ‘These 100 days are an unforgettable memory, and long term connections have been made. Everyone is welcome to visit Armenia. This is not the end.’

We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming a new Senior Fellow to the British Museum this summer!