Barbara Vujanovic (ITP 2016, Croatia) Rethinks the Thinker!

Written by Claire Messenger, ITP Manager

Today, the British Museum was delighted to welcome back Barbara Vujanović, Senior Curator, The Ivan Meštrović Museum (Croatia, ITP Fellow 2016).  As you’ll know Barbara has been working with the Greece and Rome Department, National Partnerships and the International Training Programme team on a spotlight loan project linked to the Museum’s current exhibition, Rodin and the art of ancient Greece.

This time Barbara was here to give a public lecture in the BP Lecture Theatre and her subject was Rodin’s sculpture The Thinker which was conceived in 1880 as the crowning element of The Gates of Hell.  Barbara looking at the influences for Rodin’s work, discussed contemporary reactions to the sculpture and finished by considering the modern day impact of the work.

Barbara’s talk received a hearty round of applause and very positive feedback from Museum colleagues in the audience

Congratulations Barbara!!