Cats of the ITP, Cats of the BM: International Cat Day!

Hello ITP fellows and followers,

As you may already know, the ITP team loves cats. A LOT. And today is International Cat Day!

We thought we would celebrate by introducing you to some fantastic felines, past and present…
Plus the ITP blog has been dog-heavy recently, and needs balancing out!

Otis and Morrissey

Claire’s Otis (left) and Morrissey (right) are famous among ITPers

Win Jeff Harry Smudge

Jess doesn’t have a cat currently but here are her family cats from throughout the years: Winifred (top left), Jeffrey (top right), Smudgie (bottom left) and Harry (bottom right)


And Becca has the lovely Mabel!

Of course the British Museum has an extensive cat collection…

And did you know that the Museum used to have cats living and working on site?

You can listen to the story of Maisie, Poppet, Pippin and more on a British Museum podcast here.

Rex and Maisie

Rex, the ‘Cat Man’, with Maisie outside the British Museum