Don’t Miss Ask a Curator Day: 12 September 2018

Tomorrow (12 September) is this year’s #AskACurator day!

There are 311 institutions from 26 countries already signed up to take questions from the general public and from other museum professionals tomorrow via social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook).

Among them are many ITP UK Partner and Programme Partner institutions, including: Ashmolean Museum, English Heritage, Horniman Museum & Gardens, Kew Gardens, National Army Museum, National Museums Wales, National Trust, Tate,  the Mary Rose and the Victoria & Albert Museum.

It is also exciting to see ITP fellows’ museums participating: CSMVS in Mumbai, India and Tairāwhiti Museum in Gisborne, New Zealand. And there are museums in ITP global network countries South Africa, Greece, Mexico and Turkey also participating.

You can see the full list of participating institutions here, with the Twitter handle of each institution and the themes of their collections and work. Most institutions have specified a time of day that their curators will be available, so plan ahead for your day if you have questions to ask or if you want to follow the conversations in real time! You don’t need a Twitter account to read and follow the conversations, but you do need to sign up for one if you would like to take part in the conversations.

And here are some very useful tips from for if you would like to participate!

Ask A Curator Qs

The annual event is run by Mar Dixon, who has founded a number of museum projects and took over the management of #AskACurator from MuseumNext conference manager Jim Richardson in 2012, who had launched it in 2010. There is more information about how #AskACurator day works – and how museums can sign up to participate – on Mar’s blog page here. On Twitter, you can follow @AskACurator.

Mar also runs other museum-themed social media days, including #MuseumSelfieDay. You can find out more about these days, and when to schedule your themed social media posts, on her Culture Themes blog and Twitter pages.

It would be wonderful to see more institutions from the ITP network involved in these great initiatives to get people around the world communicating about museums!

Jessica (ITP Assistant)