Hello from Kyle, Kevin, Nick and Esteban, WPI 2020

Hello International Training Programme,

We are the team of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute that will be collaborating with you to create the online Object in focus exhibition. We are thrilled with the prospects of the project and are excited to see it through to completion. Find out more about our project here.

Here’s some information so you can get familiar with us:

Nicholas Sackos is an aerospace engineering student with experience in data analysis. In his free time Nicholas plays recreational basketball and practices the piano. He is excited to experience the variety of cuisines associated with the diverse culture of London. 

Kyle Ehrlich is a computer science and mathematical sciences major with a strong background in web design. In his free time he enjoys puzzles games and tinkering with dependent programming. He is excited for the opportunity to explore and become familiar with London.

Kevin Moore is a mechanical engineering student with experience in professional engineering design. In his spare time, he enjoys playing and training for football, as well as working with his fraternity. Kevin has visited London before, and is excited to return to the city and experience all it has to offer. 

Esteban Aranda is a computer science and game design major with experience in web design and data analysis. In his leisure time Esteban likes to play sports or work out, read, cook, and play the guitar. He is excited to return to London, one of his favorite cities, and explore the city in depth.

From left to right: Kyle, Kevin, Nick and Esteban

We are excited to get to London and start experiencing the rich and diverse culture. Also, we are looking forward to touring the British Museum and seeing all the exhibits it has to offer. We can’t wait to meet you, virtually or in person!