ITP online events

Following discussions with BM, UK Partner and sector colleagues here in the UK, we would like to look at offering online sessions to our ITP network.

During the period of lockdown – and now we are all working towards our ‘new’ normal – we would like to consider ways to continue to sharing knowledge, skills and experiences online.  This might be through discussions, workshops or ‘show and tell’ tours and could be on a wide variety of topics and themes.

There are two ways in which you can help inform this discussion and help us shape our plans.

  1. Would you like to deliver a session? 

It would be wonderful to have ITP fellow-led learning and sharing, so if you have a workshop you could deliver;  a discussion that you would like to lead or perhaps you have a gallery or exhibition that you would like to share, please do let me know.  We will make all the arrangements and provide the support you would need to schedule, advertise, and deliver the session but it would be led by you on a theme of your choice.  

If this is something you’d like to consider, please contact me with the following information:-

o            Title of the event.

o            A brief description of the event including contents of the session and potential learning/discussion outcomes.

o            A possible time and date (including length of the session) – between the beginning of October and the end of December 2020. 

o            Format of the session – would this be a group discussion or a workshop with Q&A or perhaps a tour of a gallery/exhibition that you would like to share?

2. Would you like to suggest a topic for a discussion or a theme for a session?

If there is something you would like to us to deliver please contact me and let me know.  I can’t promise that we will be able to cover every topic or theme you suggest but we will do our best to deliver sessions that you would find useful, interesting and that will meet your needs.

I hope you will be inspired to join us planning and delivering sessions for the ITP network and I’ll look forward to hearing from you.
