Virtual Hello from the States! Adam, Julianna, Anne and Emily: WPI 2021

We’re very happy to introduce this year’s team from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, who will be working with us over the coming months to develop an online exhibition based on Object in focus. For more information about the project, see our previous update on the blog.

Hello ITP Fellows!

We are a team of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and we are excited to work with you all! We can’t wait to make an amazing online exhibition that showcases all of your hard work. We know how important the Object in focus project is for you all and we want to do it justice.

The four of us have a diverse background of studies:

Adam Ferrarotti: rising junior Industrial Engineering
– Supply chain analytics
– Systems simulation
– Lean Six Sigma

Julianna Cognetta: rising senior BS/ME Biomedical Engineering.
– Completed a humanities depth in art and has background courses in art and art history.
– Experience making a website for her high school.

Anne Higgins: rising senior Interactive Media and Game Development
– Experience designing websites
– Experience researching and writing about different cultures.

Emily Austin: rising senior Computer Science/Interactive Media and Game Development
– Website design (was on a team that made a pathfinder web application for the Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston)
– Digital marketing (worked for We Simplify the Internet(WSI) Healthy Digital Solutions as an intern)

We look forward to working with you as we remote in from the States! We think this is such a great opportunity. We will be contacting the network via the ITP team to gauge your expectations on how Object in focus projects should be featured. We might even be dropping into meetings so you may see us face to face.