Help Shape Future ITP Legacy Projects By Completing Our Legacy Project Survey!

ITP Legacy Projects Survey:

Deadline: Monday 28 June 2021

You will have received an email recently with a link to a new survey focusing on ITP legacy projects which we have sent to all ITP Fellows – do let us know if you did not receive it.

Symphorose has been working on this survey for her student placement from Birkbeck University and will be analysing the results after the deadline which is next Friday, so you have a week to complete the survey – we can’t wait to hear your thoughts and ideas!

In case you missed it: learn more about Symphorose and her placement from Birkbeck Univeristy

We are asking questions about past and future legacy projects and your answers will be vital to the ITP team when planning future legacy projects.

Any questions, do get in touch with Symphorose via email.