Senior Fellow 2023: Ciprian Dobra

Written by Claire Messenger, Manager, International Training Programme and Ciprian Dobra, Alba Iulia Municipality Counselor and cultural objective curator, Principia Museum.

I am delighted to announce that our Senior Fellow 2023 will be Ciprian Dobra, Alba Iulia Municipality Counselor and cultural objective curator at the Principia Museum in Alba Iulia, Romania.

Ciprian joined us on the International Training Programme (ITP) in 2019.  During his time on the ITP Ciprian was based in the Department of Greece and Rome and his partner placement was spent at Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums in Newcastle.

Ciprian standing next to three ITP colleagues on a bridge in Newcastle

Ciprian has a passion for Roman history and the Roman Empire which led him to work at the Principia Museum in Romania, a small museum most known for its display of a portion of the 13th Gemina Legion’s headquarters as well as some ancient stone statue stands, altars and architectural items. Ciprian’s role at the Principia Museum involves utilising his knowledge of Roman history to offer information and support for those who study Roman history, either by themselves or in organised groups, by collaborating with schools and universities around Romania to create programmes and open classes. He also works to organise various events and exhibitions, and to promote the museum as a whole.

Ciprian is particiarly interested in museum education and interactivity, specifically looking at how he can make museums more attractive for technology-minded young people. 

Ciprian’s passion for Roman history has also led him to join a re-enactment group in Romania where he has developed a particular interest in Roman military equipment. He has created replicas of Roman military equipment for the members of the re-enactment group but also for a few museums in Romania and he has also delivered information about the Roman military characteristics to a number of Roman literature authors.

The ITP Senior Fellow role is part of our ITP further engagement projects which are essential to the core objectives of the ITP. Finding ways to give our fellows the widest possible opportunities for further training and development is fundamental.  Legacy projects inspire a lifelong commitment to our network from ITP partners and fellows, supported by the British Museum.

To date the ITP has welcomed nine fellows back to the UK as Senior Fellow to further their professional development and strengthened their connections to the UK ITP network. These colleagues have worked on supporting and delivering the programme as part of the core ITP team.

The role of Senior Fellow is taken on by a former ITP fellow to help facilitate the Annual Programme. Having participated on the Annual Programme previously, Ciprian will provide the 2023 cohort with knowledge of the course, of London and our UK partner museums.

In return, the role will offer Ciprian the opportunity to gain further knowledge in the delivery and development of skills-sharing programmes, to reconnect with BM and UK partner colleagues and to make new connections across our global network.

Ciprian will be an invaluable member of the ITP team, helping with the logistics and development of the annual programme, offering ideas for our legacy and sustainability projects, and providing support to the ITP team and fellows during the programme.

Ciprian will also take on the role of ‘guest editor’ of the ITP Newsletter 2023 helping develop the theme and content and join the ITP Advisory Board.

Here’s what Ciprian says about taking on the role……

It is an honour for me to be appointed Senior Fellow for the 2023 ITP session and I can say that this news made my year. I am filled with joy and excitement to go back to the British Museum where I had an amazing time in 2019, both professionally and personally. And, by going back as the Senior Felllow, I am taking a huge responsibility in being one of the people to offer support to this year`s cohort, but I happily take it as a challenge that will help me and others improve by sharing what we know and what we have accumulated so far. I will do my best to offer myself as a person and as a professional for the use of the 2023 fellows and of the entire ITP network, when needed, and I am sure that I will learn new things that will help me in my work at a greater degree than it did so far.

Ciprian standing up and pointing towards a television screen, giving a presentation.

Being part of the 2019 cohort changed my life because not only am I part of a worldwide specialists network but I made a few new friends who were there for me in my hardest times even more than the friends I have at home. Due to them, to their advice and experience and to what I learned myself during the 2019 session  I was able to bring significant changes in the Principia Museum, my workplace, but also to be the Senior Fellow this year.  Therefore my goal for this session will be to do everything in my power to help the fellows identify the solutions they need, as the people of the British Museum and my 2019 fellows helped me’.

Ciprian will join us online through May as we host online ‘meet and greets’ for our cohort 2023 and at the British Museum from 25 June to 27 August.

We are very excited to be working with Ciprian as our Senior Fellow 2023 – our tenth ITP Fellow to take on this role – and we look forward to keeping you up-to-date with the project as it develops.