Update on the ITP 2024 Annual Programme

Written by George Peckham, ITP Coordinator

We are less than two months away from the start of the next ITP annual programme, so we thought an update for the network was due!

The ITP 2024 annual programme will start at the British Museum on Monday 8 July, with this year’s participants arriving in London over the weekend before. We’re still busy putting together the last details of this year’s programme, which we hope will be a useful, enriching, and fun experience for the latest ITP cohort. We’re excited to be welcoming 21 new participants to the ITP network from 14 countries: Armenia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Egypt, Ghana, India, Iraq, Kenya, Myanmar, Kenya, Turkey, USA. We will share the full biographies of this year’s cohort on the blog very soon.

the 2023 ITP cohort photographed in front of Stongehenge.

Getting to know each other – even it has just been via e-mail and paperwork so far – is always an interesting and exciting part of the planning process for the annual programme. The 2024 Fellows have sent us information on their roles, their projects, and their personal and professional interests. These have helped us to shape this year’s programme and given us new ideas for sessions and activities.

Three ITP fellows stand behind a table with their Object in focus project material on display

We have also been in conversation with our Advisory Board, who have given some valuable advice from their ITP experiences and suggestions for subjects to cover in future programmes. And on a personal note, being this my second year as Coordinator for the Annual Programme, looking back at evaluations from our 2023 fellows, BM colleagues and UK partners has been useful to help me make this year’s programme even better than the last. We have been meeting monthly with our BM department representatives to workshop departmental sessions and share our ideas for the programme.

Group selfie of the 2023 ITP cohort.

We have also been working with this year’s Senior Fellow, Yanoa Pomalima Carrasco (Peru, ITP 2022), in the build up to the programme. Yanoa will be arriving two weeks before the start of the Annual Programme to help with ITP preparations and complete her own Senior Fellow programme. We’re really excited to welcome Yanoa back to the British Museum as the 11th ITP Senior Fellow.

Over the coming weeks we’ll be able to share more details about this year’s programme, including the fellows’ biographies, the arrival of the Senior Fellow, and some details on what we will be doing over the summer. We look forward to keeping you up to date with our progress!