British School at Athens

Since 1886 the British School at Athens has acted as a focus for British research on the Greek world from prehistory to the present across a broad range of arts, humanities and social science disciplines. Originally housed entirely in a single building designed by its first Director, Francis Cranmer Penrose, the BSA now comprises a hostel, an extensive library and a substantial archive, plus the Marc and Ismene Fitch Laboratory for science-based archaeology. The BSA also maintains a research centre at Knossos, that grew out of the estate created by Sir Arthur Evans, the site’s first British excavator from 1900; the centre comprises the Stratigraphical Museum, accommodation and a small library. The BSA is probably best known for its long history of archaeological research at many locations in the eastern Mediterranean, with a strong focus on Greece. However, the BSA has always had a broad vision of Hellenic studies, with anthropological research and art also playing an important role in its activities. (British School at Athens)

Image copyright © British School at Athens