Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture, Lesotho

The Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture is an effective and dynamic regulatory authority, delivering a unified approach to economic growth through responsible tourism development, conservation and promotion of Lesotho’s environmental and cultural assets.

The ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture is privileged to be the custodian of the environmental and cultural heritage on behalf of all Basotho. Through facilitating responsible and sustainable tourism development, in partnership with the private sector and communities, together with effective marketing, MTEC will strive to enhance the attractiveness of Lesotho so that increased numbers of visitors may experience the Basotho warmth of hospitality, to the benefit of the economy. The Ministry will uphold, with integrity, its duty of care towards all internal and external stakeholders and resources in the successful performance and delivery of its mandate

The role of the Department of Culture is to serve as the national administrative body responsible for protection, management, development, promotion and dissemination of the national heritage information through specialized programs within the established national cultural institutions also in cooperation with other privately run organizations. (The Kingdom of Lesotho, Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture)

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