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Mamdouh Farouk Mohamed

Imhotep Museum


Country: Egypt

ITP Year: 2023


Mamdouh is the Director of Imhotep Museum, where his role is to set a strategic plan to activate the museums standards, mission, vision, and values. The Imhotep Museum reopened in December 2023 after a process of redevelopment, including a redisplay of the galleries, lighting, and object labels. Mamdouh was also responsible for training of the museum teams.

Mamdouh is currently working on setting an annual plan for the museum’s activities, especially now it has reopened. He has been preparing an article for scientific publication, as well as preparing a scientific conference in partnership with the German Institute. He hopes to offer scientific courses for students and graduates.

Mamdouh’s other professional interests include learning about different conservation methods, the management of archaeological and heritage sites, community engagement, and applying training programmes for staff at his museum.

Mamdouh’s dream for museums of the future, is for museums to become a lighthouse for sharing culture and science, and for there to be a communication network between museums from different countries.

At the British Museum
During his time on the International Training Programme Mamdouh was based in the Department of Egypt and Sudan and spent his UK partner placement at Lincoln Museum and Nottingham University Museum.

As an ongoing project throughout the six-week programme, fellows were asked to use their existing skills and experience, and the knowledge gained throughout the annual programme, to create, develop, and propose a new interpretation for an object currently on display in the British Museum. Mamdouh, along with his departmental group, used their object, a ceramic female figure from the pre dynasty period of ancient Egypt, to explore themes of motherhood the female iconography.

Mamdouh’s participation on the International Training Programme was generously supported by the Barakat Trust.