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Rodah Kalondu Lange

National Museums of Kenya


Country: Kenya

ITP Year: 2023


As a curator at the National Museums of Kenya, Rodah oversees a collection which includes objects such as textiles, clocks, books, furniture, artwork, and metals. Her responsibilities include the acquisition, documentation, research, and preservation of objects. Rodah helps to design and install exhibitions, liaising with different departments for the promotion of the museum and engaging with the public, as well as fundraising.

Rodah’s professional interests include curating permanent displays and temporary exhibitions, museum documentation, engaging with communities, and working with schools and young audiences.

Upon returning to her home museum Rodah was able to implement the knowledge she gained on the ITP to source teaching aids to support learning and education to develop programmes for school alongside their exhibitions. She has identified objects in need of urgent intervention having learnt about preventative conservation, and is currently working to acquire fundraising in order to complete these conservation works.

Rodah’s dream for museums of the future, is for museums to become places that are inclusive and interactive to all ages and minority groups, and are appreciated by the communities. She wants to see connected museums, both locally and internationally, that can freely exchange ideas, knowledge, exhibitions, and expertise without many conditions. She feels museums should embrace digitisation to empower the public socially and economically.

At the British Museum
During Rodah’s time on the International Training Programme she was based in the Department Africa, Oceania and Americas and spent her UK partner placement at Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums, Newcastle.

As an ongoing project throughout the six-week programme, fellows were asked to use their existing skills and experience, and the knowledge gained throughout the annual programme, to create, develop, and propose a new interpretation for an object currently on display in the British Museum. Working in her departmental group, Rodah used their object, a hunting coat made from deer skin, to emphasise the importance of working with the community of origin when displaying objects significant to that culture.

Rodah’s participation on the International Training Programme was generously supported by the John S Cohen Foundation.