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Yasser Abdelrady Mohamed Mohamed

Nubia Museum, Aswan


Country: Egypt

ITP Year: 2019


Yasser works as a Conservator of Antiquities at the Nubia Museum, where he is mainly responsible for the preservation and conservation of museum objects. He also takes care of the museum’s display which includes researching objects meanings, designing object labels and interpretation panels.

In addition to his job as a conservator, Yasser is a member of staff in the Educational Department of the Museum. The role involves giving guided tours to students, interacting with audiences and making speeches on the importance of collection care and the conservation process. In the past Yasser has held theoretical and practical training for students of conservation. Currently, he is working on a project on the conservation and preservation of the historic paper and photographic documents from the collection as part of the International Campaign for the Rescue of the Nubian Monuments kept in the Documentation Centre of the Nubia Museum.

In 2023 Yasser attended a training course on zoo archaeology in archaeological sites – fish remains, held by the German mission at the Elephantine site in cooperation with the Scientific Training Center in Upper Egypt, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. He also participated in the First Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology, Luxor University, Egypt.  This was the first time for Yasser to participate in a conference and present a scientific paper.

Yasser’s dream for museums of the future, is for museums to not be limited to only displaying artefacts, but to be in constant contact with the community for participation and integration.

At the British Museum

During his time on the International Training Programme Yasser was based in the Department of Egypt and Sudan and his partner placement was spent at Glasgow Museums.

In 2019 participants were asked to plan and propose a temporary exhibition around an object from the Museum’s collection working within the theme of journeys. Yasser worked with Yue Qiao (China) on his Object in focus project. Their exhibition proposal was titled Journey of Body and Soul: ideals and realities in Burmese Silver.

ITP Newsletter Publications
ITP Newsletter Issue 7 (2020), Your collection in focus: Nubian diorama
ITP Newsletter Issue 10 (2023) Special Event at the Nubia Museum; Nubia Museum’s silver jubilee and Luxor University Archaeology Conference