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Balsam Abdelhamed Shakal

Red Sea Museum for Archaeology and Heritage


Country: Sudan

ITP Year: 2014


Balsam is the Director of the Red Sea Museum for Archaeology and Heritage, as well as the Director of the Red Sea State Regional Archaeology Office. In her previous role at the Sudan National Museum, day-to-day work involved taking care of museum displays, welcoming foreign delegates and the daily running of the museum. She is particularly interested in making museums accessible and engaging to all visitors.

At the British Museum
During her time on the International Training Programme in 2014, Balsam was based in the Department of Egypt and Sudan and her partner placement was spent at Lincoln Museum and Nottingham University Museum.

In 2014 participants were asked to prepare a project outlining an exhibition proposal based on the Asahi Shimbun Displays – a temporary exhibition in Room 3 at the British Museum.  Balsam’s exhibition project proposal was entitled, Ostrich Eggs of Sudan: Tradition from Past to Present.

Balsam’s place on the programme was generously sponsored by the Aall Foundation.