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Marwa Abdel Razek Mahmoud Badreldin

The Egyptian Museum

Head of Registration, Collection Management and Documentation

Country: Egypt

ITP Year: 2012


Marwa began at the Egyptian Museum as a registrar. In 2013 she became a Deputy Head Registrar and in 2014 she was the acting head of the registrar’s team. In June 2016 she took on the position the Head of the Registration Collection Management and Documentation Department (RCMDD) in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Marwa and her team are currently adding all Egyptian Museum objects to their new database, KeEmu, including objects moving to the Grand Egyptian Museum and National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

In 2015 Marwa gained an MA from the Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University on the Ba Houses in Ancient Egypt and in 2021 gained a PhD, on a publication and study of the female figurines ‘Concubines’ at the Egyptian Museum from the Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University.

In 2017 Marwa received a scholarship to travel to the Berlin State Museum from April – June.

In 2018 Marwa Awarded a Training Scholarship in the Staatliche Museum zu Berlin for the collection Management system used by the National Museums in Berlin including their centralization funded by Rave Foundation.

Marwa has given many lectures, workshops, and training about the Registration, Documentation, and Collection Management in Egypt through the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Museums Sector such as the National Egyptian Museum of Civilization, Grand Egyptian Museum, Gar-Anderson, Sharm El-Sheikh Museum, Aton Museum, and Museums’ Sector Training Center. Royal Carriages Museum.  She also participated in establishing the Registration and Documentation Department and the Database of the Military Museum at the Citadel through the Ministry of Defense.

Marwa has also given lectures and practical training in Egyptian Universities and Institutions in Egypt such as Cairo University, Ain Shams University, Helwan University, South Valley University at Luxor,

The SCA-IEM (Institute of Evolutionary Medicine at the University of Zurich) Bahariya Oasis, The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, The German Archaeological Institute (DAI), The Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO), the American Research Center in Egypt and Misr University for Science and Technology.

Marwa has participated in international conferences; and given lectures and workshops abroad about Registration, Documentation, Collection Management, Egyptology, and Archaeology such as the Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism at Ras El Khayma – United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Current Research of Egyptology, International Conference of Youth Egyptologists, Zagreb University, Tübingen University, Mainz University, Louvre Museum, Berlin Museum, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Basel University

Marwa gave many practical training to the volunteers and enrolled Master students in Museums and Heritage Studies inside the Egyptian Museum, Cairo such as students from Helwan University, Damietta University, French University, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Centre in Cairo, the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, Pisa University and Leiden University regularly.

Marwa is a certified interpretive writer assigned by the European Association for Heritage Interpretation, after participating in the Heritage Training: Interpretive Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage Workshop for The Heritage Management Organization in Elesfina, Greece.

Marwa was a Member of the Permanent Committee of the Current Research in Egyptology from 2018- 2021; President of the Association for Students of Egyptology – October 2020 – April

2023; a member of Interpret Europa 2019 and a Member of the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Board of Directors- May 3, 2023 – December 2023.

She is now a Board member of the International Association of Egyptologists (IAE) – May

2021- Present

Marwa is a member of two international Projects as below:

“Nubti Archival Project” for The Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO).  The project is to create a public online database that would finally contain all of the information about the Naqada “Great Cemetery” excavated by Flinders Petrie and his team in 1895.

“The Gate of the Bab El-Gasus Priests Project” for Lisbon University.  The project for cataloging the Bab El-Gasus Collection at the Egyptian Museum.

Marwa is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University, Greco-Roman Department since October 1, 2021-Present.

ICOM in CIPEG Journal NO. 2 (2018), “Documentation, Object Recording and the Role of Curators in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo”
Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne “ENiM36” at Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, “The Registration, Collections Management, and Documentation at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo: The Researchers and the Publication System” in the Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022.

At the British Museum

During her time on the International Training Programme in 2012, Marwa was based in the Department of Egypt and Sudan and her partner placement was spent at Glasgow Museums.

In 2012, an element of the programme was a series of presentations, in which groups of participants presented a 10-minute illustrated talk, prompted by the task of considering a new display at the British Museum. Marwa’s exhibition project proposal was entitled Ba Houses in Ancient Egypt.

Marwa’s place on the ITP 2012 was generously supported by The John S Cohen Foundation.

Legacy projects

Marwa attended an Egyptian ITP Fellow reunion held at the British Embassy in Cairo, in April 2018.

In 2019 Marwa was awarded an ITP Conference Grant to attend the 20th CRE (Current Research in Egyptology) symposium at Alcala University, Spain.

In 2022 Marwa was awarded an ITP Conference Grant to speak at a conference on Current Research in Egyptology.  Her talk was titled The Registration, Collections Management and Documentation at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo: The researchers and publication systems.

In 2023 Marwa was awarded an ITP Conference Grant to present a poster at The Current Research in Egyptology conference in Basel, Switzerland.  Marwa’s academic poster focused on Female Swimmers from the Cairo Museum Collections.

ITP Newsletter Publications
ITP Newsletter Issue 1 (2013), Collections in focus: Statue of Amenhotep II with the goddess Meretseger
ITP Newsletter Issue 2 (2015), Collections in focus: Colossal statue of Amenhotep III and his wife Queen Tiye
ITP Newsletter Issue 3 (2016), Collections in focus: The houses of the ba in ancient Egypt.