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Diana Mohamed Ahmed Digna


National Corporations for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM)

Country: Sudan

ITP Year: 2019


Diana studied ceramics at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Sudan University. Having developed an interest in the different ways of and approaches to displaying pottery and ceramics within the museum, Diana now works as a designer at the Exhibition Hall in the Sudan National Museum.

At the Sudan National Museum Diana is currently working as a designer in the re-exhibit sector. Alongside this Diana is working on selecting pottery objects for the new regional museums and hopes to work on the upcoming re-display at Khalifa House Museum in Sudan.

At the British Museum

During her time on the International Training Programme Diana was based in the Department of Egypt and Sudan and spent her partner placement at Lincoln Museum and Nottingham University Museum.

In 2019 participants were asked to plan and propose a temporary exhibition around an object from the Museum’s collection working within the theme of journeys.  Diana worked with Aprille Tijam (Philippines) on her Object in focus project. Her exhibition proposal was titled Life After Death: treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur.

Diana’s place on the International Training Programme was generously supported by the Barakat Trust.