Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery staff comments on ICTP2009 participants

This year 4 participants went to Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery (BMAG): Haytham and Nourah, and Nilanjan and Sayan. Here are some quotes from what the staff at BMAG thought about it all:

‘This was truly a mutual exchange of interests, experiences and ideas- the traineeships are as enriching for the various museum professionals involved as they are for the trainees themselves’! Sarah Hayes, Project Assistant

‘I immensely enjoyed taking the international trainees round on a guided tour at Blakesley Hall Museum and showing them what Birmingham has to offer in terms of its heritage. It was a great opportunity to meet fellow museum professionals from different parts of the world and gain an understanding of how heritage operates internationally. I would be more than happy to partake in this scheme again.’ Anne-Marie Hayes, Museum Assistant, Blakesley Hall

At Blakesley Hall

At Blakesley Hall

‘It was really interesting and enjoyable to spend time with the trainees and share experiences with them about the similarities and differences in the ways in which we do things. I hope they enjoyed their visit to Birmingham and that it benefits their individual careers and the institutions where they work.’ Adam Jaffer, Curator, World Cultures

‘It was an absolute pleasure to host the BM international trainees.  They were enthusiastic and eager to learn.  For me, it was also a learning experience as it presented a great opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures.’ Fiona Slattery, Curator, Applied Art

‘It was a delight to show the trainees around the conservation department. They were full of wonder and interest and it made conservation feel like magic again. On a more practical level, it was a privilege and a responsibility to share my knowledge about environmental monitoring and control, knowing that it was going to be used in India. I hope that I said sensible things!’ Jane Thompson-Webb, Collections Services Manager

‘Hosting the trainees was a really stimulating experience. I am sure I learned as much from them as they may have learned from me.’ Dave Symons, Curator, Antiquities and Numismatics

‘I really enjoyed spending time with the trainees, who have now become international colleagues and friends – it was refreshing seeing our organisation through their eyes. Everyone here really appreciated their enthusiastic and questioning approach to museum practice.’ Zelina Garland, Curatorial Services Manager

Nilanjan, Zelina and Haytham

Nilanjan, Zelina and Haytham

Staff at Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery