What I will try to implement in Uganda: Diana

  • Involving community in our museum matters by questionnaires and maybe outreach programmes
  • Using conservation materials where necessary and outsourcing conservation if it’s difficult
  • Starting up adatabase for documentation like MERLIN or MODES with available funding
  • Better tourguiding and exhibiting
  • Loaning out items and borrowing some
  • Temporary exhibitions to make museums lively
  • Storage style of coins in small, labelled envelopes or in coin cabinets when we get the funds. Also, storage in coin capsules and notes leaves
  • Starting a volunteer system if administration or management allow
  • Better access for disabled visitors by adding ramps to stairs
  • Further study into coins and coin dyes and notes ans numismatic system of describing currency
  • starting a cataloguing process
  • taking photograps of the items in the museum’s collection and making them available for reference pursposes
  • start accessioning medals, tokens and badges, as well as currency from other countries
  • fundraising ideas
