The Republican Palace Museum, Khartoum, Sudan: A blog post by Nasir

The Republican Palace Museum has been a scene for numerous and very important historical events that took place in different times. As well, the Republican Palace stands now as witness of the historical periods in Sudanese modern history. It keeps vestiges of important archeological and patrimonial values. This fostered an idea to establish a museum in the Republican Palace Museum for the conservation, documentation and exhibition of this patrimony to the public and to put this valued heritage at the disposal of those interested or conducting researches, education and tourism.The installation of the museum in the building of the old cathedral built in 1912 has made the cathedral itself part of the museum aiming at reflecting the architectural aspect of specific period in the history of Sudan. The cathedral, as a vestigial masterpiece, reflects that kind of the religiously-orientated architecture in the Sudan.

-The museum was officially inaugurated on 31 of December 1999.

-It is situated in the center of Khartoum, the capital, in the south east part of the Republican Palace area.
-The museum is open for the public every Friday, Sunday and Wednesday.
– The museum organizes symposiums and seminars, cultural manifestations and exhibitions.
-The museum adopts pedagogical policy by making itself utterly accessible to all students and researchers in particular.

Divisions of the museum:-

– A wing for the presidential cars, used by former presidents and Sudan.
– A section for tableau, painting and photographs of the ancient rulers during the period of the colonization and after independence besides their biographies.
– a section for Sudanese decoration and medals.
– a section for the gifts accorded to the heads of state .

– A wing for the musical instruments and utensil used in the palace during the past periods.
– A section for the documented records that highlight the national resistance for independence.
-The ornaments and souvenirs inside the hall of the museum.

This blog post was written entirely by Nasir, who was a participant on the British Museum’s International Training Programme in 2007. All the photos have also been provided by Nasir.