Towards a global network?

Last week saw many past participants in the programme re-united in Cairo for a seminar entitled Towards a Global Network? Outcomes and Legacy of the International Training Programme.

In addition to being a fantastic opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues from the 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 programmes, 52 participants gave short presentations on their work and achievements since their time in the UK – we hope to post these online soon. Several themes were particularly resonant: the increased confidence and passion for their work, an interest in outreach programmes to involve a greater diversity of audieneces, and the importance of teamwork and partnerships. It was also particularly interesting to hear how many participants had returned to run or assist in training courses of their own, or were informally seen as sources of advice, knowledge and resources within their institutions.

We hope the seminar has allowed relationships across year-groups to have been formed. In addition to participants, staff from the British Museum, all of the Partnership UK museums and representatives from Tate, V&A and the Natural History Museum attended. 

Many thanks to our wonderful hosts at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, particularly the Secretary General Dr. Zahi Hawass and Hisham el-Leithy, but also to the World Collections Programme for funding the seminar.
