Grayson Perry: The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman, 6 October 2011 – 19 February 2012

A new temporary exhibition opened last week in the British Museum’s Round Reading Room: Grayson Perry: The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman

Grayson Perry (b. 1960), The Rosetta Vase, 2011. © Grayson Perry. Courtesy Victoria Miro Gallery, London.

Grayson Perry is an award winning artist and craftsman.  In this exhibition he curates an installation of his new works alongside objects made by unknown men and women throughout history from the British Museum’s collection.

‘This is a memorial to all the anonymous craftsmen that over the centuries have fashioned the manmade wonders of the world…
The craftsman’s anonymity I find especially resonant in an age of the celebrity artist.’

Grayson Perry RA

Learn more about the artist:

About Grayson Perry

Explore the exhibition:

Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman

And follow what’s happening:

Exhibition blog