Claire’s trip to India…

As some of you will know, I’ve been lucky enough to spend the last two weeks in India. Manisha and Vandana kindly looked over my itinerary and were able to give me some useful advice – but my plans meant that sadly I was unable to meet up with any of the past ITP participants. However I was particularly looking forward to visiting the Meherangarh Fort in Jodhpur where Anjan Dey (ITP 2010), had been Assistant Curator, Design/Display. Unfortunately for me Anjan has left Jodhpur but he was happy to pass on some hints and tips for my visit and is clearly very proud of the Fort and his role in its development to its current prominent position.

Inside the Meherangarh Fort

Guidebooks claimed that few sights in Indian can rival the Fort at Jodhpur and I have to agree. A steep climb to the entrance was worth the effort as the view of the city with many of it’s house painted a cool powder- blue was breath-taking. Anjan told me that he had enjoyed watching the sunset over the city of many occasions and that this was one the sights he missed now back in Delhi – I could see why.

View of Jodhpur from the Fort

Anjan recommended taking an audio tour, which took two hours to complete and was excellent. Along with the informative bi-lingual labels and panels, the whole experience was exceptionally good. During my visit, a group were watching a demonstration of how to tie a turban and banners announced many other interesting and entertaining events and activities for children, families and groups.

The Museum galleries

He also insisted that a visit to the Fort shop was a must. To be honest I didn’t take much persuading – and how right he was. Based in beautiful arched rooms and full of lovely gifts I had no problem in adding to my excess baggage!

Anjan is now based in Delhi, working as a designer for Penguin/Dorling Kindersley and sends everyone his warmest wishes.

Claire Messenger