ITP 2013: August 24 – Ren Xiaojing

Its Saturday today, nothing special is arranged by ITP, so I planned a tour of museums in London.

I visited Sir John Soane’s Museum, Museum of London and Tate Museum, too. Here, I’d like to share with you the experience in Museum of London.

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When you see the famous London Wall, luckily you’re nearby. But it still challenged me to find the entrance on the high walk! Actually, even as I eventually stood in front of the entrance gate, I can’t believe it’s a museum, not a shopping store!!

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Museum of London, the world’s largest urban history museum, where you can search for the story of the greatest city and its people from 2 million objects in its collections!

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The highlights, Galleries of Modern London, what I like most, show us a 300-year history of Modern London. The exhibitions focus on the relationship between London and the rest of the world, and also between London and Londoners.

There’s a Hands-on activity in the gallery, see the pieces of porcelain? You can touch them, feel them, fulfill your curiosity to the relics used hundreds of years ago. It’s also meaningful to visitors with visual impairments.

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I believe that several galleries were redisplayed in recent years, and so many advanced skills and equipment were applied, which really help us to understand the exhibition and history, especially for children.

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I began to know the museum via its website, it’s beautifully designed and easily to access. I found what events and exhibitions were currently available in a few seconds. Also, the easy and convenient feeling it gave me when I entered. Colourful brochures caught visitors’ attention, I picked some of them. As introduced on each, all kinds of activities welcome all ages of people, you can even host your birthday party in a museum room! Unbelievable, but true! It must be interesting, eh?

 Museum of London is no doubt one of the must-see places in London. If you love London, start to know more about her from here.