ITP 2013: September 14 – Nelson Abiti


The adventure journey to the frontiers of Hadrian’s Wall from River Tyne in Newcastle to the western coast of UK

Just to reflect on the day of 14th September 2013 in Newcastle, the ITP team Fouza, Mouza, Kizili and Abiti journeyed in the trails of country landscapes. We were guided by Bill and Jackie Blande tracing the roots of Hadrian’s  Wall and fortifications built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 122. The wall starts from River Tyne at Segedunum to the west coast of England for about 73 miles.

Hadrian's wall

Hadrian’s wall

We were driven to the first point of Hadrian’s Roman bridge ruin that collapsed but the stones are still within, you will also experience the only bridge in Newcastle that has one lane, you will have to compromise the Roman way, stay in one place and then the next car is allowed to move. The foundations of the bridge and arch stones, with marks of trolley lifts are visible.


From the bridge we moved to the Chesters fort  and we show the most preserved foundation of soldiers fort, bath houses and the museum interpreting the antiquities excavated from the forts . We had a coffee break and picnic lunch at the beautiful garden viewing the arable land of UK. 


After the lunch, we continued the journey to see the linear trench that was dug along the stones. Just after five minutes drive we reached the temple, people still pray to the sun god of  and  coins are offered by the worshippers are visible.

Roman Temple with sun god

Roman Temple with sun god

We then continued to the cows field to have pictures on the most spectacular scenes of the wall. Before you leave England   you should come and experience the ancient Roman empire in England that has links to North Africa and possible Mesopotamia  (modern Iraq).

The first photo above is of the team having the last group photo against the visible Roman wall