ITP Diary 17th August 2014: Balsam Shakal

Hello everyone,

Today it is my day, it is also a weekend. I can say that it was a lovely day, I had good rest after having an exciting and long days at the ITP program this week. I woke up at twelve o’clock at midday and had a shower. The warm water refreshed me and made me think of a hot Sudanese meal, for that I went out for grocery shopping and I count myself  as a very lucky person, as I did not have to go far away because the shops are very close to Schafer house where we are staying.

I did find a very good variety of vegetables, and it was an enjoyable short shopping.

Since I grew up as half vegetarian I cooked a very delicious dish containing mixed vegetables with Sudanese been nuts paste. Besides to that I prepared fruit salad.

Later at the day I did search for some different topics related to my   exhibition project on the first day of September. It is really something very hard to do and I hope I will succeed in it. 

On this weekend there was a lot of time for me to resume to my favourite activities, such as reading. I also got the chance to remember the past days within the last week in the ITP to evaluate it and think for the future depending on the results. 

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Thank you all.

Balsam Shakal / Sudan