Huda’s Vienna Experience – Day 2

29 of August 2014 in Vienna

Yesterday was a full day for me in Vienna. We started at 09:30 with the staff of the Academy of Science and two students. We were led by Dr. Julia Budka, Director of the Pharaonic site in Sai Island. This was to discuss and review the ‘NK Project’ through periods, settlements and objects. After that Giulia d’Ercole, working with the project, talked about the analysis of New Kingdom fabric and Nubian pottery.

In the afternoon we had a workshop to practice how to use ancient pottery for cooking.

b3Exploring how pottery was used for cooking

This was followed by a workshop to help students learn how to draw and classify NK pottery. I also had time with Julia to discuss the Sudan national NK project 2014.

b1 b2

Each group then went to lunch in some famous Egyptian falafel restaurants in Vienna. I went back to the hotel where I took a little bit of rest, then met the group again for dinner at a restaurant near one of the classic churches in Vienna, and this is my first Viennese dish!

Viennese Food

Huda Magzoub Elbashir Fadelmoula
Sudan National Museum
Participant, ITP 2012